Adam Gadsden

Head Trainer

Adam grew up in England and graduated from Sheffield Hallam University in 2003 with a B.S. in Sport Technology. He moved to the U.S. to coach soccer in 2005 (English Football Association certification level 1 and 2). He has a wife, Samantha, and two children, Jack (9) and Callie (5).

He has been a Personal Trainer for over 10 years and has worked at HALO since 2017. He is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Personal Trainer and a Performance Specialist and is also certified by Functional Movement Systems.

One of the most exciting things for Adam about being Head Trainer, is working with a great Training team at HALO. The team is working hard to create a great training environment and make HALO the best training gym in the area.

In his spare time Adam attempts to play golf, occasionally rock climbs and tries his best to understand Jack’s obsession with Minecraft.

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